Islamic Rights Of Deceased Parents
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- Create Date July 21, 2020
- Last Updated December 14, 2020
Islamic Rights Of Deceased Parents
An English translation of an extract of the Risala al-Huquq li Tarhi al-Uquq as recorded in Fatawa al-Ridawiyyah.
Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan al-Barelvi was asked about the rights of the parents over their children after their death. In response, he summarized 12 rights of the deceased parents over their children, then showed 21 ahadith that he had chosen.
This is not just a general question and answer paragraph, but you will feel your heart softened by reading this and you will feel more love for your parents.
This book is very good for those who have lost their parents and still want to feel connected to them. It will provide new insights into how to do good deeds for them while they are gone.