Clarifying misconceptions
Did Alahazrat want his grave to be deepened to recite standing salat-o-salaam?
Question: According to Khalid, Alahazrat Imam Ahmad Raza asked to dig his grave so deep that “I could stand in it and recite salaam,” as if Alahazrat had acted against the Islamic law [shariah], neither Ghawth-e Azam nor Khawaja Gharib Nawaz had done this not even a pious personality. It is as if he has committed an illegal act. Provide for this a detailed answer.
First of all, it is incorrect that Mujaddid-e Azam Alahazrat (Allah sanctify his secret) has said what this hostile, evil-minded person claims. Scholars have stated that it is better that the depth of the grave be the height of a man.
It is stated in Durr al-Mukhtar:
وحفر قبره مقدار نصف قامة فان راد فحسن
And his grave should be dug half the height, if it is more than that, then it is better.[1]
It is stated in Shami underneath:
أو إلى حد الصدر ، وإن زاد إلى مقدار قامة فهو أحسن كما في الذخيرة ، فعلم أن الأدنى نصف القامة والأعلى القامة ، وما بينهما شرح المنية ، وهذا حد العمق ، والمقصود منه المبالغة في منع الرائحة ونبش السباع.
Or up to the chest. It is better if it is equal to and greater than the height, just as it is stated in al-Dhakhirah. From this, it is understood that the minimum length is half the height and the best length is equal to the height and whatever is in between [Sharh al-Muniyyah]. This is the depth limit. The purpose of deepening is to prevent the stench from coming out and beasts digging into the grave.[2]
According to this, Mujaddid-e Azam Alahazrat ordered that his grave should be deepened to the height of a man, and when this is the instruction of Hazrat Imam-e Azam, it is hoped that the pious would have followed it. But is it necessary to have a statement for everything? Ask this ignorant to show a record somewhere of how deep the graves of Sarkar Ghawth-e Azam and Sarkar Gharib Nawaz were (Allah be pleased with them). As for what has been said that the grave must be as deep as the height of a man, it does not mean the depth of the berth or the coffin, this refers to the space above the coffin and the berth, which is in fact the grave.
It is stated in Alamgiri:
وصفة اللحد ان يحفر القبر بتمامه ثم يحفر في جانب القبلة منه حفيرة قِوضع فيه الميت كذا في المحيط.
And the berth refers that the whole grave should be dug and then a pit should be dug in it towards the qiblah and the dead should be placed in it, just as it is stated in al-Muhit.[3]
Shami’s statement just passed that the purpose of the depth of the grave is to prevent the smell from coming out and that there is no fear that the beasts will dig into the grave if the space above is short while the berth and the coffin are widened, this purpose is then not achieved. This purpose will only be achieved if the upper part of the grave is deep. If the servant be a righteous believer, his grave will be deepened as far as the eyes reach, how narrow it may be, and if he be an unbeliever, his grave will be narrowed, how wide it may be. Mujaddid-e Azam Alahazrat was certainly a knower of Allah, viceroy of the Messenger, and the saintly pole of his time [qutb-e waqt]. His blessed grave is certainly enlarged as far as the eyes reach. He did not have to be able to stand when his blessed grave has been deepened. The narration of standing up and reciting salat-o-salaam has been forged by the ignorant. However, it is only correct that he made a will that his grave would be the height of a man. And Allah Almighty knows best.
Mufti Sharif al-Haq al-Amjadi
Fatawa Sharih Bukhari: 3/466
Fatawa Sharih Bukhari: 3/466
[1] Durr al-Mukhtar: 3/139
[2] Radd al-Muhtar: 3/139, كتاب الصلاة، باب صلاة الجنازة، مطلب في دفن الميت
[3] Fatawa al-Hindiyyah: 1/186, كتاب الصلاة، باب في الجنائز
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