Prayer [Salat]

Is The Prayer Of The One Who Shaves His Beard Fulfilled?

Question: What is the verdict of the noble scholars and the respected jurists on the following matter:
Is it necessary to repeat the prayer for someone with a clean-shaven beard or not? Bestow the answer in the light of the Quran, hadith, statements of the pious from famous and reliable references while you are entitled to reward. State and be rewarded.
Questioner: (Mawlana) Muhammad Kameran Hussayn from Bareilly Sharif in India
Answer: Shaving the beard is not allowed and haram. The one who shaves his beard is a transgressor [fasiq]. The obligation of the transgressor fulfilling the prayer will be released, and the scholars considered his prayer permissible and valid. But they judge that his reward of prayer is diminished and because of his transgression his prayer is sinfully disapproved [makruh tahrimi]. And the judgment of makruh tahrimi is close to necessary, therefore the scholars declare that it is necessary to repeat the prayer because of leaving necessity. Mulla Áli al-Qari writes in the explanation of the pure hadith about the unfulfilled prayer of a drunkard:

إنما خص الصلاۃ بالذكَّأنہا أفضل عبادات البدن، فإذا لم یقبل منہا فلأن لا یقبل منہا عبادۃ أصلا کان أولی، قال المظہر: ہذا وأمثالہ مبنی علی الزجر وألا یسقط عنہ فرض الصلاۃ إذا أداہا بشرائطہا ولکن لیس ثواب صلاۃ الفاسق کثواب صلاۃ الصالح، بل الفسق ینفی کمال الصلاۃ وغیرہا من الطاعات، وقال النووی إن لكل طاعۃ اعتبارین : أحدہما سقوط القضاء عن المؤدی، وثانیہما ترتیب حصول الثواب فعبر عن عدم ترتیب الثواب بعدم قبول الصلاۃ

مرقاۃ المفاتیح شرح مشکوۃ المصابیح، ۷ /۳۲۱:کتاب الحدود،باب بیان الخمرووعیدشاربھا

Prayer is a specific form of mediation [dhikr] because it is superior among physical worship. So if this is not fulfilled, no other first-hand worship will be fulfilled. These and other similar examples are based on this warning. However, the obligation [fard] of the prayer will be fulfilled if it is performed under its terms. But the reward of the transgressor’s prayer will not be the same as the prayer of the pious. The completeness of the transgressor’s prayer and his other worship is rather negative. Imam al-Nawawi said that worship has two aspects, one of which is the release of the obligation in fulfilling it and the other is the settlement of receiving the reward. So the prayer that is not fulfilled is understood as having no settlement of the reward.”

It’s in Miraqi al-Falah Sharh Nur al-Idah:
والمکروہ تحریما إلی الحرمۃ أقرب وتعاد الصلاۃ مع کونہا صحیحۃ لترک واجب وجوبا وتعاد استحبابا بترک غیرہ قال فی التجنیس کل صلاۃ أدیت مع الکراہۃ فإنہا تعاد لا علی وجہ الکراہۃ

مراقی الفلاح شرح نورالایضاح:کتاب الصلاۃ،ص ۱۲۴

Makruh tahrimi is closer to haram. Although the prayer is valid, it is also necessary to repeat the prayer because of the abandonment of necessity. And apart from sinful disapproval, it is better to repeat the prayer because of its disapproval. In al-Tajnis it is said that any prayer fulfilled with disapproval must be repeated in a non-disapproving way.
It’s in Fatawa Alamgiri:
الصلاۃ جائزۃ فی جمیع ذلک لاستجماع شرائطہا وأرکانہا وتعاد علی وجہ غیر مکروہ وہو الحکم فی کل صلاۃ أدیت مع الکراہۃ. کذا فی الہدایۃ فإن کانت تلک الکراہۃ كَّاہۃ تحریم تجب الإعادۃ أو تنزیہ تستحب فإن الکراہۃ التحریمیۃ فی رتبۃ الواجب کذا فی فتح القدیر

ج۱/۱۰۹،کتاب الصلاۃ،باب مایفسدالصلاۃ ومایکرہ فیھا
While the prayer will be allowed in all disapproving cases with the prayer conditions combined with its tenets, the prayer must be repeated in a non-disapproving manner. And this judgment applies to any prayer that has been fulfilled with disapproval. It is also in al-Hidaya. So if its disapproval is tahrim, then it is necessary to repeat the prayer. If the disapproval is tanzih, it is advised to repeat the prayer. Because the tahrim’s disapproval is at the level of necessity, just as it is stated in Fath al-Qadir.
When Huzur Alahazrat informed about the ruling of the prayer of the one who shaves his beard, he wrote the following answer:
Shaving the beard is a violation. And praying while clinging to transgression without repentance causes prayer to be disapproved. Just like wearing silk clothes or wearing pyjama and the one who shaves his beard is a cursed transgressor. The prayer to be fulfilled has the meaning that the obligation will be released, otherwise, he would be sinful.
[Fatawa al-Ridawiyyah Qadim: 3/270-271]
Bahr al-Ulum Mufti Ábd al-Mannan states:
Although the prayer of the one with a clean-shaven beard is done, however, it is also sinfully disapproved, so it has to be repeated again because of the flaw. It is in Durr al-Mukhtar:

کل صلاۃ ادیت مع الکراہۃ تجب اعادتھا
The prayer fulfilled with disapproval must be repeated.

But he has already shaved his beard, how will he pray soundly the second time? However, it is different if he repents for shaving his beard. In short, in the afterlife, he would also be held accountable after praying as such, if he did not repeat properly. Yes, his punishment will be less than the punishment for neglecting prayer.
[Fatawa Bahr al-Ulum: 1/444, Kitab al-Salat]
Conclusion: The man who has a clean-shaven beard is a cursed offender. His prayer is sinfully disapproved and it is necessary to repeat it.
Mufti Muhammad Zulfaqar Khan Naimi Kakralwi
19-Rabi al-Thani-1437 || ≈ 29-Jan-2016
 al-Fuyudat al-Nabawiyyah fi’l-Fatawa al-Hanafiyya (Fatawa Uttarakhand): vol. 2, p. 173, #27
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