Creed [Aqaid]

Is it proven from the hadith that the Prophet is created from light?

Allah’s name be the beginning.
Question: What is the judgment of the Islamic scholars in this issue about the matter where our Prophet (peace be upon him) is made of light [nur] and of his light the rest of creation – of what hadith has this been proved, and what kind of hadith is it? State and be rewarded.

Sender: Molvi Nur al-Din Ahmad Sahab, Lashkar Gwalior in India

Answer: Allah’s name be the beginning.
O Allah! All praise is due to you. O light of light. O light before every other light, and o light after every other light. O the being of light, by which light is caused, which is light, by which one is light, and He alone is light. Peace, blessings and mercy descend upon Your own light which illuminates, created from Your own light and making all creation from its light. And upon his rays of light, and upon his household and companions that are his stars and moon and the rest. O Allah! Fulfil our supplication.
The great Imam Sayyiduna Imam Malik (Allah be pleased with him) his student, and the great Imam Sayyiduna Imam Ahmad b. Hanbal (Allah be pleased with him) his teacher, and the teacher of the teachers of Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim; the distinct Hafiz al-Hadith ‘Abd al-Razzaq Abu Bakr b. Hummam narrated in Musannaf from Sayyiduna wa Ibn Sayyiduna Jabir b. ‘Abdullah al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with them),

قال قلت یارسول اللہ بابی انت وامی اخبرنی عن اول شیئ خلقہ اللہ تعالٰی قبل الاشیاء قال یا جابر ان اللہ تعالٰی قد خلق قبل الاشیاء نورنبیک من نورہٖ فجعل ذٰلک النور یدور بالقدرۃ حیث شاء اللہ تعالٰی ولم یکن فی ذٰلک الوقت لوح ولا قلم ولاجنۃ ولا نار ولا ملک ولاسماء ولاارض ولا شمس ولا قمر ولا جنی ولا انسی، فلما اراداللہ تعالٰی ان یخلق الخلق قسم ذٰلک النور اربعۃ اجزاء فخلق من الجزء الاول القلم ، ومن الثانی اللوح ، ومن الثالث العرش ، ثم قسم الجزء الرابع اربعۃ اجزاء فخلق من الجزء الاول حملۃ العرش ومن الثانی الکرسی ومن الثالث باقی الملائکۃ ، ثم قسم الرابع اربعۃ اجزاء ، فخلق من الاول السمٰوٰات، ومن الثانی الارضین ومن الثالث الجنۃ والنار ، ثم قسم الرابع اربعۃ اجزاء الحدیث طولہ۔

He said: I said, “O Messenger of Allah! May my parents be ransomed for you. Inform me what Allah first created. He said, ‘O Jabir! Verily, Allah created the light of your Prophet from His own light before every creation. That light remained in the midst of His Power as long as He wanted. There was no tablet, pen, paradise, hellfire, angels, heaven, earth, sun, moon, jinn, or man at those time. When Allah wanted to create creation, He divided the light into four parts, the first for the pen, the second for the tablet, the third for the throne. Then he divided the fourth part into four parts, the first for the angels of the throne, the second for the chair, the third he created the rest of the angels. Then he divided the fourth part into four, the first for heaven, the second for earth, the third he made heaven and hellfire. Then he divided the fourth part into four. [And so on until the last part of the hadith]
[al-Mahawib al-Laduniyya: 1/72-81]
[Sharh al-Zurqani ‘ala al-Mawahib al-Laduniyya: 1/46-47]
[Tarikh al-Khamis Matlab al-Lawh wa al-Qalam: 1/19-20]
[Matali’ al-Musarrat: p. 221]
[Madarij al-Nabuwwah: 2/2]

This hadith is engrammic [nahwa]1 reported in Dala’il al-Nabuwwah by Imam al-Bayhaqi. The great scholars such as Imam al-Qastalani in Mawahib al-Laduniyya, and Imam Ibn Hajr al-Makki Afdal al-Qurra and Allamah al-Fasi in Matali’ al-Masarrat, and Allamah al-Zurqani in Sharh Mawahib, and Allamah Diyar Bakri in Khamis, and Shaykh al-Muhaqqiq al-Dehlwi in Madarij and so on, all lean, interpret and rely on it. In short, it has been hugely accepted by the Ummah, so no doubt the hadith has reached its acceptance. The thing is grandiose if it is met by the scholars and widely accepted, leaving no need to see the sanad. Even if it has a weak sanad, it will not affect it. Just as we stated it in our Risala Munir al-Ayn Hukm Taqbil al-Abhamin.
Allamah Muhaqqiq Arif Billah Sayyid ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi (Allah sanctify his sacred secret) says in al-Hadiqa al-Nadiyya: Sharh al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiyyah,

قد خلق کل شیئی من نورہٖ صلی اللہ تعالٰی علیہ وسلم کما وردبہ الحدیث الصحیح

“Verily everything is created from the light of the Prophet (peace be upon him), just as it is revealed in this sense in an authentic [sahih] hadith.”

[al-Hadiqa al-Nadiyya: Sharh al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiyyah: 2/375]

He, in number 960 afterwards, which is the topic of the ailments of the tongue, said it in the matter of the clause of the evils of eating.
It is in Matali’ al-Masarrat Sharh Dala’il al-Khayrat,

قد قال الاشعری انہ تعالٰی نور لیس کالا نواروالروح النبویۃ القدسیۃ لمعۃ من نورہ والملائکۃ شرر تلک الانوار وقال صلی اللہ تعالٰی علیہ وسلم اول ماخلق اللہ نوری ومن نوری خلق کل شیئ وغیرہ مما فی معناہ

“al-Ash’ari [Sayyiduna Abu al-Hassan al-Ash’ari] says, ‘Allah Almighty is light, unlike other lights, and the blessed soul of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is of this unique light. And the angels are a flower of this light.’ The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘The first thing that Allah created is my light, and of my light alone has He made all things.’”

[al-Matali’ al-Musarrat: p. 265]

And apart from this, there are more ahadith that have been revealed on this topic. Allah, Mighty and Majestic, knows best.
al-Imam Ahmad Raza Khan al-Qadiri al-Barelvi
28-Dhu al-Qada-1317 || ≈ 30-Mar-1900
al-‘Ataya al-Nabawiyyah fi’l-Fatawa al-Ridawiyyah: vol. 30, p. 657, #38
Risala; Salat al-Saffa fi Nur al-Mustafa
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  1. A hadith which is in accordance with another hadith only in meaning but not the same in words
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